About Me

Online Therapist Victoria Storr SF

Victoria Storr, M.S.

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed School Psychologist, Certified Fair Play Method Facilitator, Co-Founder: Unspokenapp.com

M.S. in Clinical Psychology, California State University, San Bernardino

B.A. in Psychology, San Diego State University


Hi! I’m Victoria Storr,

And I guide clients towards a self-chosen life. One where they feel empowered and confident. Sounds nice right? I promise you, it feels even better.

I could imagine you’re a bit skeptical. I’m sure you’re thinking that living the life of your dreams is not possible for you because of past mistakes, current circumstances, or because it hasn’t worked before.

I meet all of my clients in this exact moment in their story; A story that they have created for themselves which deeply impacts how they see themselves and the world. The specifics change but the root of the issue is often the same: people living in patterns of thoughts and actions which keep them trapped and hold them back.

In our time together, using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Strengths Based, and Interpersonal approaches, tailored specifically to you, I will teach you how to know yourself better, to define your values system, identify your roadblocks, and increase your self-confidence using practices that rewire how you think about yourself and your life. 

It is my purpose and joy to learn about you and to draw you away from the things that cause you trouble and towards things that bring you peace and happiness. 

If you would like to learn more, please reach out for a free phone consultation. I’m excited for our work together and to explore all the new possibilities. 


In addition to being a clinician, I am a mother, wife, school psychologist, parent educator, and co-founder of a therapeutic app. As a school psychologist, I worked in public education for 5 years and know special education inside and out. I have extensive knowledge related to navigating public school systems, supporting learning differences, and the IEP process. As a parent educator, I have help parents strengthen their relationship with their children. And as a co-founder of a therapeutic app, Unspoken, I have been able to focus on helping people deal with grief and painful emotions through technology. All and all, I have a deep and diverse experience to draw upon in our work together.