Certified Fair Play Method Facilitator San Francisco

Who am I?

I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a knack for bringing harmony to couples and families. As a Certified Fair Play Facilitator, I'm on a mission to transform relationships, making them smoother and more enjoyable. My goal? To streamline daily life, so there's less conflict and more room for laughter and enjoyment.

What is the Fair Play Method?

The Fair Play Method— a systematic approach using task cards and effective communication to help couples allocate domestic duties and prioritize their family's needs. The outcome? Reduced friction, increased leisure time, and enhanced family unity.

Imagine running your household in true partnership.

Managing a household, whether with or without children, is undeniably demanding. Many couples find it challenging to divide household responsibilities fairly without breeding resentment. Introduce children into the equation, and the complexity only grows!

Your Fair Play Journey: Three 90-Minute Sessions and Practical Homework

In our first meeting, we'll delve into what Fair Play entails and how you can implement it. You'll leave with practical homework to kickstart the process of 'playing the game' at home.

During our second meeting a week later, we'll review your progress, address any questions or challenges you've encountered, and brainstorm solutions together.

Our final meeting, scheduled a month later, focuses on evaluating what's been effective for your family, celebrating your achievements, and solidifying your commitment to the approach.

It really can be that straightforward, and I'll be with you every step of the way to provide guidance.

What You Get

For an all-inclusive price of $950, you'll receive:

  • Comprehensive support through three sessions

  • All supplies, including books, workbooks, and task cards

  • Expert guidance

  • Personalized homework to implement Fair Play at home

  • Detailed progress reviews and solutions to challenges

  • Continued follow-up support

  • A final meeting to celebrate successes and solidify commitment